What is a CPAP Humidifier? Types of CPAP humidifiers Update 03/2025

In the majority of cases, persons who have sleep apnea are recommended CPAP therapy. You can use a CPAP humidifier to help you breathe more comfortably by releasing moisture from a tiny tank of distilled water. CPAP therapy can be made more bearable if you do this.

CPAP therapy may cause dry mouth, dry throat, cracked lips, nosebleeds, chest pain, and sinus infections because it reduces the amount of moisture in the nasal airways. Adding moist air to the room with a humidifier helps keep these problems at bay while using a CPAP machine.

Humidifiers come in two flavors: built-in and add-on. The CPAP machine includes built-in humidifiers. CPAP machines can be equipped with an external humidifier as an add-on.

Humidifiers can be made to function with a single machine, or they can be made to work with many machines. A humidifier that isn’t compatible with your CPAP machine won’t be much use in supplementing your CPAP therapy. You can consult your CPAP machine’s manual or contact the manufacturer for advice on the best humidifiers for your device.

What is a CPAP Humidifier?

You may be able to purchase a CPAP machine that includes a humidifier, or you may be able to upgrade an existing machine with a humidifier attachment. Their primary function is to add moisture to the air and allow you to manage the level of humidity in it.
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Cpap humidifiers are compact and simple to operate. You may easily alter the CPAP humidifier settings to provide more or less moisture to the air to meet your individual requirements by turning a dial or pressing a button. In the winter, when running the heater dries up the air in the bedroom, people tend to consume more heat.

Issues Solved By CPAP Humidification

When people use their CPAP, the forceful air passing through the tube can irritate the nasal lining, which can lead to:

  • Congestion
  • Nose irritation, swelling, or burning
  • Dry mouth
  • Stuffiness and mucus
  • Sneezing

All of these problems can be alleviated by simply increasing the humidity in the air.

Additionally, CPAP devices with humidifiers can alleviate the following conditions:

  • Sinus infections
  • Seasonal allergy discomfort

Note: If you have a stuffy nose, you may want to try wearing a full face mask to get more air into your lungs. Stuffy noses can cause CPAP nasal masks to clog and prevent you from getting the rest you need.

Types of CPAP humidifiers

CPAP humidifiers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, depending on the type of machine you use and your personal preferences.

An integrated humidifier is a humidifier that may be readily fitted to a certain CPAP machine. The humidifier can be easily removed for cleaning, travel, or any other purpose.

HEPA Filter: If your CPAP is equipped with a HEPA filter, then it’s a HEPA filter humidifier. Cleanup is made easier by leaving the CPAP humidifier chamber attached rather than removing it. External humidifiers tend to be huge and take up a lot of room.

In contrast to integrated CPAPs, which are designed for a specific machine and cannot be connected to any CPAP that has a built-in humidifier or water chamber, stand-alone humidifiers operate with virtually every type of CPAP. Stand-alone humidifiers are connected to your CPAP machine by a tube and power connection.

A heated humidifier uses heat to warm the water in the air, making it easier to inhale. In other humidifiers, water is heated in a chamber and then circulated by a fan to add moisture to the air.

A cold humidifier, such as a passover humidifier, adds moisture to the air by blowing air over a water chamber. The water is unheated and at room temperature. Humidifiers that don’t heat up tend to be bulkier than heated humidifiers.

CPAP humidifiers: A brief history

In 1980, the first CPAP machine was developed. Humidification of the CPAP air began in the late 1980s when sleep specialists began passing it through a chamber of room-temperature water where it would gather up any moisture that evaporated as it entered the patient’s tubing. Passive or passover humidification was used, but it was ineffective.

If you don’t have enough vapor, you can heat the water to make more. In the mid-1990s, heated humidification began.

Humidification “substantially improves” patient compliance with CPAP “and that its need may be predicted” if patients are older, using oral drugs that specify dry mouth as a side effect, or have undergone prior throat surgery.

Even while humidification has been shown to improve the quality of life for people with obstructive sleep apnea, which is why…

A humidifier is now standard on many CPAP machines, including ResMed’s AirSenseTM 10 and AirCurveTM 10 devices. If you choose, you can remove it and cover the machine’s exposed end with a cap.

Two side effects and how to avoid them

The two most common negative effects of humidification are: One is that if your CPAP humidifier’s temperature or humidity level is adjusted too low, you may still experience dryness-related symptoms.

It’s also possible to have rainout, which is a more common adverse effect. When hot air cools down in your tubing, water condenses and seeps into your mask, giving you a wet look. It is possible to avoid rainout by using a heated tube and/or modifying your water chamber’s temperature and/or humidity. You can learn how to make adjustments to your specific machine from your HME provider or sleep specialist.
Sleep apnea-dementia link revealed in new study - CBS News

How CPAP Humidifiers Work

It is possible to add moisture to pressured air using CPAP humidifiers in two methods. The water in a heated humidifier is often heated using a hot plate tucked beneath the humidifier’s water tank. It then delivers the moistened air to the mask via routed tubing, allowing you to inhale it during CPAP therapy.

humidification by passing air over warm water in a chamber picks up moisture, which is subsequently carried via the tube up to your mask and airway by a passover humidifier. It is more common for it to be given at a lower pressure. A heated CPAP tube can be used to warm up the air in this approach.

For those who suffer from dry noses, CPAP humidifiers are an essential part of their treatment. When there is an increase in airflow, the nasal airway may not be able to retain sufficient warmth and humidity. More moisture is retained in the air when a humidifier is used, making it more comfortable for the user.

One of the most significant advantages of using a CPAP humidifier is the reduction in discomfort associated with the therapy. Using a humidifier reduces your risk of waking up with a dry, itchy throat or mouth.

CPAP Humidifier Settings

Humidity, water temperature, and the temperature of the tubing may all be modified on most CPAP humidifiers to meet your specific needs.

Models differ in their ability to control humidity. Adjusting the humidity level can be done to suit your treatment plan and personal preferences. You don’t want it to be stuffy, but you don’t want it to be dry either.

Certain humidifiers also let you adjust the temperature of the water they use. You may set your humidifier to disseminate either hot or cold air, depending on your preference. Dryness can be alleviated by breathing in warmer air. Cooler air, on the other hand, can be better suited if you’re sleeping in a hotter place.

The tube temperature can be adjusted independently of the water tank temperature on some humidifiers. If simply boosting the humidity doesn’t alleviate the dryness, this is a great alternative. Increasing the temperature of the tube by 1 to 2 degrees Fahrenheit may address this problem. There are other options for heated CPAP tubes and insulating covers.

Additionally, some humidifiers offer both manual and automatic controls. To maintain a specified temperature and humidity level throughout the night, you can utilize manual or automated settings on your humidifier.

If you’re experiencing trouble setting up your humidifier, see the instructions that came with your device. Make an appointment with your doctor to go over the optimal humidifier settings for you.

CPAP Humidifier Care & Replacement Schedule

Follow the manufacturer’s directions while cleaning and caring for your CPAP humidifier. As a result, your humidifier will last longer and suffer less damage.

To avoid the growth of bacteria in the humidifier water chamber, it is necessary to clean it on a daily basis.

The water chamber and heating plate should cool completely before removing them.

While most chambers should be hand-washed, the dishwasher can occasionally clean some. Clean the water chamber by hand with warm water and mild soap, and then rinse thoroughly. Clean water must be used to thoroughly rinse the water chamber in order to remove any soap residue.

Allow the water chamber to completely dry out before storing it in a container. Look for any discoloration or cracks in the water chamber before reinstalling it on the heating plate. After six months or when the water chamber starts to show symptoms of wear, it’s time to get a new one. It is important to refill the humidifier daily with distilled water.

Regular cleaning of the CPAP humidifier’s heating element is also recommended in order to minimize the growth of germs or mineralization. Make sure your equipment is completely cooled down before using the heating plate. Using a moist towel, carefully wipe the heating element and then let it air dry. Before reassembling the humidifier, the heating element should be inspected for evidence of damage. If it’s broken or damaged, get a new one.

To order a new humidifier when it’s time, you can contact the manufacturer or your healthcare practitioner directly.

CPAP Humidifier Cleaning

Your CPAP humidifier needs to be cleaned every day. This is done by removing the CPAP humidifier chamber and washing it in warm soapy water on a regular basis. Finally, allow it to completely dry in the open air. Consult your owner’s instructions if you’re unsure whether or not your CPAP humidifier can go in the dishwasher.

Using a mix of 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar, soak the humidifier for about 20 minutes, properly clean it, and then allow it to dry entirely.

I’m a little perplexed. What a waste of time! Your CPAP supplies can be disinfected promptly by placing them in a SoClean.

The water in the CPAP humidifier should also be replaced regularly. To avoid the accumulation of potentially dangerous minerals, only use distilled water while filling the container. Drink only bottled water. Never drink from a faucet.

CPAP Humidifier Hacks

In order to avoid CPAP rainout, it is important to keep your room temperature lower than the air in your CPAP tubing. Adjust your CPAP humidity setting if you detect water accumulating in your tubing or face mask..

Get Acquainted With Your Device – Your CPAP treatment can be challenging at first, and humidity adds a whole new level of difficulty. Humidity levels might fluctuate throughout the year, so you may have to experiment with different settings to discover the one that works best for you. Consult with your physician if you have any questions or concerns regarding the settings you are currently using.

Is A CPAP Humidifier Right For You?

It’s entirely possible. If you’re prone to seasonal allergies, frequently become ill, have dry mouth from your CPAP therapy, or any of the other problems listed above, you might think about getting one. They offer near-immediate comfort and compliance, allowing you to get a better night’s sleep.

How to Choose a CPAP Humidifier

Considering all of the many factors and humidifier types to consider when making a CPAP humidifier purchase might be intimidating. Before purchasing a humidifier, we’ll go through the most crucial considerations to keep in mind. Even if you are aware of these factors, we recommend consulting with your doctor or medical professional before making a final selection on a humidifier.

What to Consider When Purchasing a CPAP Humidifier

When shopping for a CPAP humidifier, it’s important to keep in mind things like compatibility, manufacturer recommendations, humidification type, materials, durability, pricing, and warranty coverage before making a final decision on the device.

Let us guide you through these considerations so that you can make an informed decision about which CPAP humidifier is appropriate for you and your specific situation.

When purchasing a device, you should also take into account your particular preferences and demands.
A humidifier’s compatibility with a certain CPAP machine is determined by its compatibility. The compatibility of the humidifier you intend to purchase must be determined before you buy it.

Many CPAP machines can be used with stand-alone humidifiers, but some are only compatible with a certain model. Humidifiers that are part of a machine will only function with that machine.
What Is CPAP Therapy?
Manufacturer Recommendations
For CPAP machines and humidifiers, manufacturers may provide their recommended equipment. The humidifier’s lifespan could be extended by following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Cleaning and replacing your equipment are likely to be covered in the instructions as well.
Humidification Style

As the name implies, different CPAP humidifiers have diverse designs to represent their methods of humidification. A heated water tank is used to humidify the air. Using heated tubing can assist keep the air warm and prevent significant condensation, or rainout, in the tubing. There are two types of humidification methods: Passover and heated. The air travels over water at room temperature, and it’s delivered through heated tubing.


A water chamber and a base are two of the most common parts of a CPAP humidifier. Humidifiers with a heating element are referred to as heated humidifiers. The materials used in humidifiers might vary from model to model, but most are constructed of a combination of plastic, stainless steel, and silicone.

According to the manufacturer, CPAP humidifier lifespans might vary greatly from one model to another. The water chamber should be updated every six months on most humidifiers, which have an intended lifespan of 2 to 5 years.

The longer your humidifier lasts, the better off you’ll be if you use it correctly and take adequate care of it.
Retailers’ prices for CPAP humidifiers can be influenced by the type of humidifier they sell, as well as the type of CPAP they sell.

The CPAP machine includes built-in humidifiers, which may raise the cost of the CPAP machine itself. Humidifiers can be purchased separately or as part of a larger unit.
In the event of a problem, your humidifier is covered by warranty, which means the manufacturer is responsible for delivering a replacement part or repair.

Humidifiers normally come with a 6-month to 2-year guarantee. Damage caused by accidents, misuse, water aberrations, or unauthorized repairs and modifications are not covered by warranties..

Built-in CPAP Humidifiers vs External Humidifiers

Many different types of CPAP humidifiers exist, each with its own distinct advantages and disadvantages. Humidifiers that are built-in or incorporated into a machine will only work with that machine. CPAP devices of various makes and models can be used with standalone humidifiers.

Humidifiers that are built-in to a CPAP machine can only be used with that specific model of equipment. This means that it may be readily removed for travel, storage, cleaning, and other functions, making it more convenient.

Humidifiers that can be used independently of the CPAP machine are known as stand-alone humidifiers. As long as the machine doesn’t have a built-in or integrated humidifier, they can be used with a wide range of machines. Built-in and integrated humidifiers, on the other hand, tend to take up more room.

It’s not possible to remove the machine’s built-in humidifiers. Cleaning the water chamber is possible, however. Humidifiers that are built into a wall or ceiling often take up less room than other options. Their reduced surface area means that they may be able to keep out less moisture. It is necessary to send in the entire humidifier for repair if a component fails.

How to Stop Using It

Your CPAP’s humidifier may not be necessary, in which case you may have a few options based on the model of your machine. You may be able to connect your tubing straight to the blower’s outlet after removing it from the blower component.

With more recent humidifiers, such as ResMed’s AirSense line, the heating element and heated tubing can simply be turned off. In the patient settings menu, this can be turned off. A hot, dry, and empty chamber will not produce odours when the air is allowed to pass through.

Stopping using your humidifier may cause your skin to become even more parched. Consider using a saline rinse or spray if you have a dry mouth or nosebleed. It’s also an option to just re-start using your humidifier. You may find that you prefer to use it at certain times of the year or in specific places, and that you can take a vacation from it at other times.

If you’re still having issues, talk to your sleep doctor about how you can get the most out of your treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions About CPAP Humidifiers

To help you get the most out of your CPAP humidifier, here are some additional things to keep in mind. A medical expert or doctor can answer any additional questions or concerns you may have.

What is the best way to clean CPAP humidifiers?

To ensure that your CPAP humidifier is cleaned properly, review the manufacturer’s instructions first. Use mild soap and warm water to clean the water chamber on a daily basis. Water chamber disinfection may be necessary on a weekly basis. A vinegar and water mix of 3 parts water, 1 part vinegar is safe for most automobiles.

Maintaining a clean humidifier can help it last longer and operate better. It also keeps bacteria from accumulating in the tubes and chambers.

How much do CPAP humidifiers cost?

Humidifiers for CPAP machines, whether standalone or integrated, typically range in price from $100 to $300, however this can vary widely according on the manufacturer and store.

To save money, you can buy replacement parts for both stand-alone and integrated humidifiers on their own. Many stores offer the option of purchasing replacement tubes and water chambers individually.

The CPAP machine comes with its own built-in humidifier. A warranty may be included in the purchase price or an option that may be purchased separately.

Are CPAP humidifiers covered by insurance?

CPAP humidifiers are generally covered by private insurers if they are deemed medically essential. It’s recommended to get in touch with your insurance company for more information.

When used in conjunction with a CPAP machine, humidifiers are covered by Medicare. Most likely you will have to pay 20% of the approved amount.

What kind of water should be used in a CPAP humidifier?

CPAP humidifiers should always be filled with distilled water. Minerals and other deposits from tap water can build up in the water chamber even if the water is filtered.

The humidifier’s lifespan can be extended by using distilled water instead of tap water.

Can you use essential oils in a CPAP humidifier?

A CPAP humidifier should not be used with essential oils. They can’t be used in any portion of the CPAP machine because of their toxicity.

A CPAP machine can send tiny oil droplets into your lungs, causing irritation and even death. As little as one droplet can cause respiratory discomfort. Overexposure to inhalants is also a problem.

Can you use a CPAP without the humidifier or water chamber?

Without a humidifier or water chamber, CPAP machines can be used. Your mask will continue to get dry air from the machine.

A humidifier may not be necessary if you live in a humid area. Long-term CPAP users may become accustomed to the treatment and no longer require the use of a humidifier. New CPAP users may benefit from using a humidifier to alleviate dryness.

Can I use my CPAP humidifier onboard an aircraft?

Airlines will allow CPAP humidifiers on their planes, but each one has its own rules on what equipment can be brought on board with you. The airline may have specific recommendations for packing and utilizing medical equipment that you should verify before making a flight reservation.

CPAP humidifiers are exempt from the airline’s carry-on item limit because they are considered medical gadgets. As an alternative, you can take the humidifier with you in your carry-on bag. CPAP equipment should not be packed in your checked luggage, as it may be damaged, delayed, or lost in transit.
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It’s important to drain and dry your humidifier before taking it on a trip.

Which humidification style is suitable for me?

Personal tastes and needs will play a role in the choice between heated humidification and passover humidification. Those most at risk of dryness during treatment, as well as those who live in cooler climates, benefit most from heated humidification.

For people who require or prefer a lower humidifier pressure level, Passover humidification is suitable. Those who live in hotter regions or who sleep hot may find the drier air more bearable.

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