Humidity and Sleep: Make Your Bedroom a Better Place to Sleep Update 03/2025

Getting to sleep needs work since our bodies are so complex. As a result of this, the sector that focuses on sleep has been striving to find a solution since its inception: a way to get us to sleep faster.

Diet, sleeping problems, and psychological condition are just a few of the variables that might aid or hinder a good night’s sleep. As a result, numerous industries have sprung up to address this issue. One typical method is to alter the sleeper’s body temperature while they go off to sleep, but this isn’t as simple as it sounds.

The ideal humidity level for your home is between 40% and 60%. If possible, keep your living room, master bedroom, and stairways at this degree of humidity. However, the humidity in your kitchen and bathroom tends to be higher, so it’s recommended to keep it between 50% and 70%.

A more sustainable strategy to get a good night’s sleep is to control the temperature and humidity in your home. Your health and diet can be balanced by establishing an atmosphere where your body is most at ease, in addition to focusing on yourself. Understanding these characteristics can help you identify what needs to be addressed and implement the necessary changes.

How different humidity levels affect your sleep

After a few minutes of lying down, your brain goes through three stages of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and one stage of rapid eye movement (REM) (REM). These three non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stages set the setting for a deep, restorative sleep. Your body temperature drops, your pulse and breathing rate slows, and your body begins to repair itself during the NREM periods.

Breathing and brain activity increase as you go off to sleep. Dreaming is triggered by the fast movement of your eyeballs. Memory consolidation and complete rest are both dependent on this stage.

Sleeping in a humid environment can seriously disrupt your sleep pattern. During deep sleep, your body is unable to control your body’s temperature, so it uses more energy to keep you warm. If you have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, you’re more likely to wake up during the night due to discomfort. Because sleep is so important to your overall health, getting less sleep makes you more susceptible to illness.

Asthma can also be triggered by a more humid environment. Breathing disorders, such as bronchitis and respiratory infections, can affect your sleep in humid surroundings because mold flourishes in these conditions. It can also cause people to overheat, resulting in profuse sweating.

Sore throats and respiratory infections can also result from a lack of humidity. The dryness of your skin and irritated eyes are also more likely to occur in the morning.

Best humidity level for your home and bedroom

Humidity is commonly gauged using the RH (or relative humidity) metric. Using a hygrometer is the best method for determining the level of humidity in a room. Here’s how you can figure out your home’s relative humidity level.

Even if the temperature is not unusually low, the apparent temperature is often lower than the actual temperature if there is a natural wind or a breeze in a high humidity area. For instance, a temperature of 8 degrees and a humidity of 81% are shown on the mobile device, although the actual temperature is just 3 degrees. Staying warm is a necessity in this situation.

The ideal indoor humidity level is between 40% and 60%, according to research. The human respiratory system cannot tolerate humidity levels greater than 60 percent, according to the consensus of most scientists. Keeping the air this wet is frequently a challenge during the cold months. As a general rule of thumb, most people prefer to keep their room humidity between 40 and 50 percent.

The recommended humidity level for a good night’s sleep is between 30% and 50%, according to specialists. This means that sleeping in an atmosphere that is either excessively dry or too moist can adversely affect our quality of sleep.

To begin with, your body’s moisture will have a tougher time evaporating if the air around you is overly humid. This may cause you to overheat and become suffocated, making it difficult for us to get a good night’s sleep. Those who are allergic to mold will notice faster growth in a moist environment. This could exacerbate your allergy symptoms and disrupt your sleep.

As a result, there’s the issue of being overly dry. Having a dry skin and respiratory system can lead to scratchy throats and even a cold. Being unable to fall asleep is one of the most common side effects of being miserable.

How to facilitate optimal humidity in your bedroom

When you know that a room’s relative humidity should be between 40 and 60 percent, there are a variety of options for keeping it there.

  • Invest in the right kind of air conditioning system. Using the machine’s moderate settings has been shown to improve the quality of a person’s sleep. As soon as you drift off to sleep, your body begins to acclimatize to the cooler surroundings. Your room’s humidity can be reduced by increasing the speed of your air conditioner, but the cooler air will also make you more uncomfortable and raise your pulse rate.
  • Get a dehumidifier for your room. While humidifiers draw moisture from the air and store it, dehumidifiers use a fan to draw moisture from the air and store it in their tank. Different transportable sizes are available for these equipment. There are whole-house models that may be linked into your HVAC system if you want to keep your entire house free of additional vapor. It doesn’t matter what size you choose, you must thoroughly clean the filters and empty the water tanks before using it.
  • Cotton and rayon bed sheets are your best friends. Because synthetic materials are less permeable than natural ones, sweat and moisture can become trapped on the skin’s surface. Cotton and rayon are breathable, preventing you from waking up in the middle of the night because of nocturnal sweats.
  • Look for a more breathable alternative to your memory foam mattress. In order to alleviate strain on specific muscles or joints and isolate your movement, these mattresses are designed to trap heat and make you feel hot. We propose a latex mattress if your doctor hasn’t recommended one for you because of the layers that are both permeable and vented.
  • Invest in a high-ventilated electric blanket. During the winter, an electric blanket is a terrific method to stay warm. In order to avoid the room being stuffy and humid, you don’t want to dial up the heat too high. To ensure a restful night’s sleep, invest in an electric blanket made of breathable materials.

Best temperature for sleeping in Celsius

Temperatures between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius (60.8 and 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit) are ideal for sleeping. However, the ideal temperature range for your room is between 18.5°C and 20.5°C. When it comes to temperature, each person has a somewhat different sense of what’s comfortable. You can also save money on your monthly electric bill by raising the thermostat a few degrees.

Our circadian rhythm (the 24-hour process or cycle our body physically goes through) requires a temperature of about 68 degrees Fahrenheit to help us fall asleep. Our environment, our physical activity before we go to sleep, and even the food we eat all have a role in how easy or difficult it is for us to get some shut-eye.

Falling asleep 101

When we begin to drift off to sleep, our bodies begin to cool down, which tells our systems it’s time to rest. Getting to this stage can be challenging for people who have body temperatures that are lower or higher than usual, such as athletes or persons who are used to living in harsh climates.

Heating blankets are one of the most frequent and widely available sleep aids and products designed to assist people get to this phase faster. For years, people have relied on this simple device to help them fall asleep faster and more soundly.

So, what’s the problem?

Heating and 4D DWF

The fundamental function of a heating blanket is to provide warmth, but early models had difficulty dissipating heat or providing it in the proper form. When there was no method to regulate humidity, the blanket’s air became hot and arid, frequently generating problems that were as easily solved.

The blanket’s lack of breathability was the primary cause of the dry air. In order to avoid suffocating from the heat, you could only use them for a short period of time at a time, because the blanket’s warmth would eventually mix with your own body heat and cause you to wake up or get a cold as a result.

Heating blankets from Wellcare, on the other hand, aim to change that. We’ve developed 4-Dimensional Dynamic Warmth Flow technology and merged it with our heated blankets with the goal of generating the sleeper’s own climate while they rest. The fact that our blankets heat well while also allowing moisture from the air to permeate allows you to sleep better.

4D DWF is exceptionally breathable, allowing you to sleep comfortably at the ideal temperature and humidity all night long. Forget about waking up in the night because you’re either too hot or too cold.

It is possible to get a good night’s sleep thanks to the 4D DWF technology that disperses the heat created by our blankets through a series of specially designed holes.

Check out the 4D DWF’s potential and what it can do for your sleep here. You may learn more about Wellcare’s products and services here, or you can reach out to us at the number shown below.

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