What Can Cause Numbness In Hands While Sleeping? Tips to Remember Update 03/2025

It’s not uncommon to wake up with numb hands. Many people have experienced the sensation of their hand falling asleep. Numbness and pins and needles can be caused by sleeping in a posture that puts pressure on your arm or hand, but it’s far from the sole possible cause. Consider additional symptoms if you notice […]

What Causes Sleep Apnea and Snoring? Exercises Help Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Update 03/2025

People that snore frequently find it difficult to sleep with their spouses, roommates, or family members. Disrupted sleep and the need to sleep in separate rooms may be a result of this disorder. It’s normal to desire to snore less in order to prevent these issues. At the same time, it can be difficult to […]

How Does Sleep Give You Energy? Why Do I Have More Energy at Night? Update 03/2025

Our bodies need sleep just as much as they need food, water, and air to survive. There are numerous benefits to getting enough sleep, including preserving our body’s energy, restoring our tissues and cognition, and enhancing our immune system. During non-REM sleep, we experience many of the restorative benefits of sleep, including the ability to […]

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Work And Performance? How to Improve Your Sleep Update 03/2025

Americans put in a lot of hours at the office. The 2008 Sleep in America Poll indicated that in addition to an average workday of 9.5 hours, Americans are spending more than four additional hours working from home each week. A lack of sleep is a common side effect of increased work demands. According to […]

Mallampati Score to Help Predict Obstructive Sleep Apnea Update 03/2025

One of the most frequent sleep-related respiratory diseases is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). OSA usually causes people to wake up gasping for breath or choking. Sleep disorders like narcolepsy can lead to increased daytime tiredness despite the fact that these episodes typically last no more than 30 seconds at the most For people at risk […]

Can Massage Help With Sleep Disorders? A Few Tips to Remember Update 03/2025

Massage therapy has been recognized as a viable treatment option for a wide range of diseases, including anxiety, depression, chronic pain, exhaustion, and sleep disorders, over the past few decades. When we’re just a few days old, we begin to use touch as a way to communicate, anchor ourselves in the environment, and connect with […]

Does Sleep Deprivation Affect Heart Health? How Much Sleep Is Best For My Heart? Update 03/2025

The importance of a healthy heart cannot be overstated. The heart fuels the circulatory system, which ensures that all of the body’s organs and tissues receive the oxygen they require. In the United States, heart disease is a primary cause of hospitalization and decease. In addition to the well-known hazards of poor food, lack of […]

How to Make Waking Up Easier in the Morning? 34 Tips to Remember Update 03/2025

It’s time to go to sleep. Time of day when you’re most likely to fall off to sleep and forget about the problems of the day. If that’s how things are supposed to go. The daily grind for many people can keep their minds racing and their bodies tossing and turning until the alarm goes […]

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A Better Night’s Sleep for Tots to Teens – Sleepy Head Pillowcase:

Sleepy Head Pillowcase helps Tots to Teens fall asleep more quickly and experience more restful, relaxing sleep. What keeps a kid (or anybody for that matter) from falling asleep? – Noise, light, cold head, not feeling secure or comfortable. Sleepy Head Pillowcase overcomes these interferences with falling asleep and getting a better night’s sleep.

Sleepy Head Pillowcase User’s Report:

Our users report that this innovative, American-made, kid-tested pillowcase offers a sense of relaxing comfort and security for many children who resist going to sleep or have a sleep problem. Sleep Deprivation can cause many health problems and disorders, including increased risk of Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Depression, Memory and Mental Performance. Sleepy Head Pillowcase can help your child fall asleep more quickly and experience true sleep comfort by reducing light and noise that interferes with falling asleep and staying asleep. Rest assured — a nice thought.

Add a Teddy Bear to your Sleepy Head Pillowcase:

A snuggly and cuddly Teddy Bear can provide comfort or offer additional protection by watching over a slumbering child.

Children’s Sleep Studies:

There are many studies which suggest that lack of sleep “in normal children can lead to symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Those who slept 10 hours each night did NOT develop symptoms”. ADHD is often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are similar to sleep deprivation. Rather than behavioral treatments or drugs, perhaps Sleepy Head Pillowcase, a natural sleep aid, should be tried first.

ADHD is characterized by at least two of these three behaviors: poor attention, impulsivity or hyperactivity.

Inattention and difficulty in concentration are additional effects of sleep deprivation that hinder learning. In fact, sleep deprivation has such a negative effect on attention that it can “mimic or exacerbate symptoms of ADHD (attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder), including distractibility, impulsivity, and difficulty with effortful control of attention” (R. Dahl, 1999).

Great for Camping, Outdoors or the Backyard:

Know matter if they are outdoors, indoors or even in the backyard, our camouflage Sleepy Head pillowcase is great for all those occasions.

Do you have a Boy Scout or Girl Scout in the Family, protect them while they are on there camp outs. Help them keep their head protected and warm during those cold nights and give them the security that only a Sleepy Head pillowcase can provide. Order Yours TODAY!!!

Sleep Deprivation and its Effects:

Sleep deprivation increases levels of a hunger hormone and decreases levels of a hormone that makes people feel full. No wonder one third of all American children are obese.

According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), “A lack of sleep can limit one’s ability to learn, listen, concentrate and solve problems as well as make you forget what you have learned”.

The primary function of Sleep is restoring the body’s energy levels. There IS a connection between increased energy and a better night’s sleep.

Introducing Monster Go Away Spray:

A combination of our Sleepy Head Pillowcase and the Monster Go Away Spray can be the solution to sleep deprivation and its effects.

Say “good night” to neck pain

Do you know that the sleeping position can directly affect your sleeping? If not then read this article to get to know the details. This does not only affect your sleeping but as well as can affect your respiration, wrinkling of the skin and also your spinal alignment so you should always sleep in a good position.

There are various types of pillows are there which can make you have a great quality sleep as well as you will have proven benefits of spinal alignment and others.

Sleeping position and pillows work together to provide support to your neck, spine and make you have a great night sleep. These both make your spine kept in a neutral position so that you can have a great night sleep.

Sleepyheadpillowcase.com will help you choose Best Pillow For Neck Pain is a soft body pillow that looks like the torso of a man with a comforting arm that cuddles and holds you throughout the night.