What is Bedwetting? Are there links between Bedwetting and Sleep? Update 03/2025

Bedwetting is a common occurrence for many people. It’s difficult for parents and children alike to deal with bedwetting, especially when it occurs in older children. This has happened to a lot of people, so you’re not the only one.

What is bedwetting?

Sleep enuresis is another name for bedwetting. It is a condition known as a parasomnia. A parasomnia is characterized by unwanted events that occur when a person is in a state of slumber. In case of bedwetting, a person urinates in his or her sleep by mistake.

Failure to wake up from sleep when the bladder is full is the cause of this. Bladder contractions may possibly be the cause of this. You learn these skills as you grow and mature.

The age at which one acquires these abilities is extremely variable. When an infant is asleep or awake, urinating is a natural response. Until the age of 18 months, this is common.

Children learn to hold off on urinating when their bladders are full between the ages of 18 months and three years old. When the youngster is awake, he or she begins to learn how to do this.

When he gets older, he can do this while he’s sleeping. The child’s developmental maturity will play a role in determining when this ability can be learned.

By the time a child is five years old, he or she should be able to regulate his or her bladder while asleep. Unless it occurs at least twice weekly in a person beyond the age of five, bedwetting isn’t deemed a sleep disturbance.

A primary or secondary cause of bedwetting can be identified. A child with primary bedwetting has not been dry for six months in a row on a regular basis.

Secondary bedwetting is a condition in which a kid or adult has been able to stop wetting the bed for at least six months. They started to pee their bed at least twice a week for three months after that.

Sleepover with Bedwetting - The top tips by Dr. Sagie - TheraPee

When the pituitary gland produces Vasopressin, it decreases the volume of urine generated by the kidneys. During sleep, this hormone naturally rises, lessening the need to go to the bathroom.

Vasopressin is normally increased during sleep in certain children with primary bedwetting. The outcome is a surplus of urine that exceeds the capacity of their bladders. They will wet their beds if they don’t get up.

When a youngster wets the bed, it can have a negative impact on their self-esteem. Primary bedwetting carries the greatest risk of this complication. Observing how well the child’s family handles the symptom is critical. The severity of the situation will be greatly influenced by their response.

When Is Bedwetting a Problem?

It’s normal for young children to pee the bed, but as they get older, it becomes less common. Around the age of five, children’s bedwetting rates begin to decline noticeably, with only 1% of children in this age range still wetting the bed every night. As many as twenty percent of 5-year-olds still pee the bed at least once a month, even though they’ve been potty-trained for years. Fewer than one percent of people still pee the bed at least once a month by the time they reach adulthood.

It’s normal for children to stop wetting the bed at different ages because each child matures at different rates. In most cases, intermittent bedwetting in children is deemed normal and should not be a cause for concern.

  • Bedwetting might be a sign of a more serious problem in some circumstances. A medical evaluation may be warranted if any of the following conditions are present in a child.
  • In older children and teenagers, sudden bedwetting episodes following a long interval of dry sleep.
  • Urination is excruciatingly painful.
  • Urine that is cloudy or coloured.
  • Incontinence during the day.
  • Constipation or a lack of control over one’s bowel movement.
  • Such as being unable to be roused from a deep sleep.
  • Having a lot of thirst.


While most children are toilet-trained by age 5, there is no set age at which all children should be able to control their bladders. Children’s bedwetting is still an issue for some children between the ages of 5 and 7. A small percentage of children still pee the bed at the age of seven years old.

When to see a doctor

Most children overcome bed-wetting on their own, but some require a little more assistance to do so. When bed-wetting is a symptom of a more serious medical problem, it’s important to seek help right once.

If your kid experiences any of the following symptoms, call your child’s doctor right away.

  • You have a 7-year-old who is still wetting the bed?
  • After a few months of staying dry at night, your youngster begins to wet the bed.
  • Painful urination, excessive thirst, pink or red urine, firm stools, or snoring are all symptoms of bed-wetting.

Potential Causes of Bedwetting

The vast majority of bedwetting is unrelated to any underlying medical condition. Bedwetting, on the other hand, can be caused by a variety of factors. They consist of:

  • In children who pee the bed, there is a considerable increase in the likelihood that they may suffer from anxiety disorders. In any case, the cause of anxiety can be a persistent or one-time incident, but it can also be the outcome of a long-term state of worry. Anxiety disorders such as generalized anxiety, panic attacks, school phobia, social anxiety, and separation anxiety are more common among children who pee the bed. It’s possible that parents may consider having their child evaluated for an anxiety disorder if bedwetting is an ongoing problem.
  • Habits of eating and drinking: Diarrhea can be caused by certain meals and beverages, which are diuretics. Diuretics might have a different effect on different children. Drinking coffee and tea is a great way to flush out the waste products in your body. A child’s risk of wetting the bed is affected by how much they drink. In order to avoid this, many parents limit their children’s fluid intake in the evenings, just before they go to sleep.
  • An infection of the urinary tract (UTI) can cause youngsters to wet the bed, so it’s important to keep an eye out for these symptoms. A common symptom of a urinary tract infection (UTI) is frequent and unexpected urine, which can lead to bedwetting. Despite the fact that UTIs are easily curable, they often go undetected in youngsters, who may not be able to adequately describe their symptoms to their parents.
  • Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person’s breathing is repeatedly interrupted while they are asleep. Adults are more likely to suffer from it, but recent studies have shown that it is also prevalent among children. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a hormone that may be produced as a result of sleep apnea (ANP). Bedwetting may occur as a result of ANP’s effect on the kidneys.
  • Constipation can cause the rectum to swell as a result of the accumulation of waste. In other circumstances, a bulging rectum pulls on the bladder because it is placed just behind it. Constipation can lead to bedwetting as a result. Prior to treating a child’s constipation, it is important to see if the child’s bedwetting has stopped.

Bedwetting can be caused by a variety of less common, but more serious, factors, such as:

  • Bedwetting can be brought on by enlarged kidneys or chronic renal disease, as the kidneys play such an important part in pee production and disposal. Additionally, children with renal illness may experience weight loss as well as an increased thirst and urination.
  • Deficiency of ADH: A hormone known as “antidiuretic hormone” is secreted by the brain of a healthy person (ADH). During the night, the kidneys’ urine production is slowed by this hormone. If ADH production is insufficient or the body is unable to correctly process or respond to ADH, urine production will not sufficiently slow down at night, which can lead to bedwetting.
  • Diabetes is characterized by a deficiency of insulin, a hormone that aids the body’s ability to metabolize sugar. When diabetes is untreated, the body is forced to excrete sugar through the urine, leading to excessive urination. Diabetic children are more likely to experience an increase in urine production, which might include bedwetting.

In addition, there are a number of factors that can increase the likelihood of a child wetting the bed, particularly in the younger years. These are some examples:

  • Bedwetting may be passed down from generation to generation, according to new research. Bedwetting is a problem that affects approximately 15% of children who have no family history of the condition. A child’s chance of bedwetting increases by 50% if they have one parent who has had it, whereas a child with two parents who have experienced it has a risk factor of 75%.
  • People with ADHD, especially children, are more likely to experience bedwetting. Bedwetting and ADHD may not be directly linked, but evidence reveals that children with ADHD are more likely to wet the bed than neurotypical children.
  • The term “deep sleeper” refers to children who frequently wet the bed. Even when you’re awake, the body’s ability to convey its desire to pass urine might be affected by how deeply you sleep at night. It may be more difficult for a youngster who sleeps deeply to build an effective mechanism for alerting them to the fact that they need to urinate. Bedwetting happens because the child’s pelvic floor relaxes during sleep. Children who are profound sleepers may take longer than average to become entirely continent at night as their brain-bladder regulation improves with age.

How Bedwetting Affects Sleep

Sleep can be disrupted in a variety of ways by bedwetting. Another reason why wetting the bed might disrupt sleep is because it causes a child to wake up, which often results in a significant period of time spent cleaning oneself or having a carer aid with the cleanup. After a midnight interruption like this, it might be tough to get back to sleep.

Psychosocial issues can arise as a result of a child’s struggle with bedwetting. Children, for example, may have difficulty falling asleep at night because of their anxieties. Children who suffer from bedwetting may also suffer from emotions of shame and depression, which can have a negative impact on their mental well-being and cause further sleep issues.

Finally, exposure to urine in some cases of persistent bedwetting can create skin rashes and irritation, which can lead to pain and interfere with sleep even further.

Risk factors

Boys are more than twice as likely as females to experience bedwetting. An increased risk of bed-wetting has been linked to a variety of variables, such as:

  • There is a lot of tension and stress. Bed-wetting may be triggered by stressful events, such as becoming a big brother or sister, starting a new school, or sleeping away from home.
  • My family tree. There is a high probability that a child will pee the bed if one or both of his or her parents did so as children.
  • Disorder of attention deficit/hyperactivity (ADHD). Children with ADHD are more likely to wet the bed.


Even though it’s inconvenient, bed-wetting that isn’t caused by an illness or injury poses no health hazards. While bed-wetting can cause a number of problems for your child, here are a few:

  • Low self-esteem can result from feelings of shame and guilt.
  • Opportunities for sleepovers and camp have been lost.
  • If your child is sleeping in damp underpants, you may notice irritation and rashes on the child’s bottom and genital area.

How to diagnose bedwetting?

Consult your child’s doctor if you have concerns about bedwetting. If social or mental stress seems to be at the foundation of the problem, you should contact a therapist.

If you or your child is having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you should consult a sleep physician. In this situation, another sleep issue may be at play.

What day and time did you first notice that you were bedwetting? He or she will also want to know how frequently it happens. What’s been going on in your life? Share this information with your doctor. Let him or her know about anything that is causing you anxiety. There is a lot of information the doctor will need to know about you. Be sure to let them know whether you have ever used any drugs or medications in the past or present.

Your doctor will also want to know if you’ve ever had a sleep condition. Check to see if any members of your immediate family have a difficulty with sleep. As a bonus, you should record your sleep patterns for two weeks. Your doctor will be able to see more about your sleep habits if you keep a sleep diary. Using this information, your doctor can figure out exactly what’s going on with you and how best to fix it.

Start of School Can Worsen Bedwetting in Children | Johns Hopkins Medicine

You or your child should receive a comprehensive physical evaluation. – a doctor A routine urine analysis should be part of this process.

A sleep study may be ordered by your physician. Polysomnography is the name given to this research. During the course of the night it monitors your brain waves, heart rate, and respiration. Your arm and leg movements are also recorded. If the bedwetting is linked to any other sleep issue, this study can help.

How to treat bedwetting?

The first step in treating bedwetting is to conduct a comprehensive evaluation. Any physical causes of the problem will be ruled out as a result of this. After that, it’s time to look at any other underlying issues. When a child has sleep apnea, it is possible that bedwetting is a symptom that will go away with treatment.

Bedwetting treatment aims to lessen the social and psychological burden of the problem on the child and family. The following strategies are frequently incorporated into treatment plans:

Behavior modification

Several studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of these strategies. Within the first month, they are frequently effective in alleviating overnight dryness. While in the midst of treatment, it is critical to keep the patient as comfortable as possible. Waiting for a child to outgrow bedwetting requires a great deal of patience from their parents. As part of your child’s bedtime routine, consider having him or her use the bathroom before going to sleep. The following are some other behavioral approaches:

Positive reinforcement

Useful for rewarding a child for having a dry bed, this is a good reward method. A good example of this is to keep a log of the number of nights the youngster is dry.

Periodic waking

This is when you wake the youngster up to go to the restroom at various times of the night. It’s also a great asset. Parents may want to wake their children at first. The parent might gradually let the youngster to wake up on their own over time. After the child goes to sleep, an alarm clock can be used to wake the child up.

Fluid restriction

In the late afternoon and early evening, limit the amount of liquids your youngster consumes. Asking the child to go to the restroom right before bedtime is also a good idea. Using the restroom frequently throughout the day is essential. This aids the child in establishing and adhering to a regular bedtime routine. There should be no stigma attached to fluid restriction. It needs to be done with care. When drinking beverages at night, use a much smaller glass than normal. To avoid dehydration in extremely hot temperatures, exercise caution.

Alarm therapy

The “bell and pad” method is what it’s called. A great deal of evidence points to its efficacy. It has a success rate of roughly 70%. It works well with kids who are a little older and have a strong desire to learn. Under the child’s body, a moisture-sensitive pad is used. When the pad is wet, an alert goes off. Everyone in the family needs to be on board with this.

  1. They may be awakened by the sound of the alarm clock during the night. Alarm clocks are usually ignored by most children. However, they tend to stop urinating when the sound of it occurs.
  2. To complete, a parent should accompany their child to the bathroom.
  3. It’s time to switch out the soggy bed linens and jammies.
  4. Resetting the alarm will also be necessary.
  5. After that, it’s time for the kid to head back to bed.

There are certain youngsters who will benefit from this treatment because they will be able to sleep through the night without waking up to pee. Nocturia is a condition in which people continue to wake up throughout the night to go to the bathroom. For each child, the length of treatment varies greatly. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to many months to get the results you want. Three months is the maximum amount of time you should employ this strategy. After this period of time, if the child has not improved, the treatment should be discontinued. When the youngster is older, you can give it another go.


To treat the underlying cause of bedwetting, surgery may be necessary. Enuresis at night is typically eliminated by this method. The following are some examples of root causes:

  • Urinary system structural anomalies, such as an ectopic ureter.
  • Hypoventilation.
  • Blockage of the heart.


Children who have failed to improve with behavioral therapy are more likely to be prescribed drugs. Enuresis is treated with the following medications:

  • DDAVP® is a desmopressin acetate.
  • Ditropan® contains oxybutynin chloride.
  • Lithium sulfate (Levsin®), an antihistamine.
  • It’s a brand name medication called Tofranil.

As an antidiuretic, DDAVP® is used by patients. Primary nocturnal enuresis can be treated with this medication. There are two ways to take DDAVP®: as a nasal spray (10-40 mcg before bed) or as an oral tablet (0.2-0.6mg, at bedtime). It’s up to 55% effective, according to the research. Alarm therapy can also be used in conjunction with it. This is a list of possible nasal spray side effects:

  • Nasal discomfort
  • Nosebleed
  • Abdominal pain
  • Headache

The fluid intake should be reduced while using DDAVP®. Drinking too much water might lead to water intoxication. There’s no time to waste; you need to see a doctor right away. The following are signs and symptoms of water intoxication:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Seizure

Drugs such as Ditropan® and Levsin® act as anticholinergics. They lessen bladder muscle spasms. 2.5 to 5 milligrams given before going to bed is the typical dosage. The following are some of the side effects:

  • Blurred vision
  • Constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Facial flushing
  • Fluctuations in mood

Oral antibiotics

Patients with bedwetting may benefit from the use of these medications to treat urinary tract infections. The following is a list of examples:

  • Bactrim®
  • Amoxicillin
  • Macrobid®
  • Levaquin®

How To Stop Bedwetting

Bedwetting may appear to be a difficult task at first, but it’s generally more easier than it appears to deal with. The majority of bedwetting problems can be addressed in a number of ways. Try the following products to help your toddler stop wetting the bed.

  • Ask your youngster if there is something wrong. When it comes to dealing with a child’s bedwetting, communication is one of the most effective tools a parent has at their disposal. Your child’s well-being should be the first concern of you and your partner. Ask your child how they are feeling about anything that has been bothering them recently or that they are going through a significant shift in their lives. Conversations like this one might help your child feel more comfortable talking to you about their nighttime wetting. It’s also a good idea to ask youngsters about their bodies, especially if they’re feeling something new. This can assist in determining whether or not a habit needs to be adjusted or if there is a medical issue at play.
  • Keep a positive frame of mind and refrain from imposing punishment. As a rule, children who wet their beds unintentionally aren’t doing so on purpose. A child’s uncomfortable habit of peeing the bed should not be recognized as a behavioral problem or punished. Instead, it should be treated with compassion and no sense of guilt or resentment as a reasonably frequent developmental hiccup that has to be dealt with as soon as it occurs. Make it clear to your child that you care about them and are there for them while they are struggling with bedwetting.
  • Keep a calendar handy. Bedwetting is an issue that can be better understood by keeping a record of when your child is dry versus when they are wet at night. To encourage their child to stay dry, parents can also keep a bedwetting calendar with their child and reward them for being dry for a certain amount of time. This type of therapy is referred to as behavioral. By keeping track of their progress and rewarding themselves for meeting their goals, some youngsters are more likely to succeed.
  • Improve your sleeping habits. Improved “sleep hygiene” can alleviate many sleep-related issues. To improve one’s sleep hygiene, one must create a sleeping environment and develop a set of sleep habits that work in harmony. In the same way that poor sleep hygiene and bedwetting are linked, improving one’s sleep hygiene may help one’s nocturnal bladder control. Improve your sleep hygiene by setting a consistent bedtime and wake-up time, building bedtime routines, creating a peaceful sleep environment, and avoiding screen time an hour before bed. These are just a few suggestions.
  • Adjust your drinking times during the day and at night. Keep children from drinking for at least an hour before they go to sleep so that they are less likely to wake up in the middle of the night to pee. In order to avoid a “thirst overflow” before night, you must ensure that your youngster is well-hydrated during the day.
  • Adjust your bathroom habits and schedule. Make it a point to take your youngster to the potty right before bedtime. The last thing kids should do before going to bed is perform this ritual, which they can repeat as many times as necessary. Encourage your youngster to pay attention to their bodies’ demands by scheduling frequent restroom breaks throughout the day.
  • Take care of your bladder. Certain foods and beverages have been linked to an increase in pee production or a decrease in bladder control by some persons. Other specialists advise against altering a child’s nutrition in an effort to stop them from peeing their bed. Consult your kid’s pediatrician before making any dietary adjustments if you suspect that your child is suffering from bladder discomfort or frequent urination as a result of their diet.
  • Biofeedback. According to some research, biofeedback may be an effective treatment for children who have bedwetting problems. Biofeedback helps children become more aware of their own physiological responses. When a youngster is connected to electromechanical equipment, they are alerted to changes in their physical functions, such as temperature, muscle tension and respiration, as well as brain activity.
  • Exercises for the Pelvic Floor Pelvic floor exercises have been shown to be effective in the treatment of bedwetting in many youngsters. Pelvic floor exercises may be an option to consider if other therapies aren’t working, but further research is needed.
  • Make use of a moisture alarm. A little sensor is inserted into a child’s pajamas or sheets to detect the presence of wetness. Alarms sound when the sensor detects moisture, which allows the youngster to be alerted and use the bathroom before it’s too late. The alarm can be used to teach youngsters to wake up naturally before they begin to urinate over a period of time (often 12 weeks). Only a child’s assent and understanding of the alarm’s purpose should be required for its installation. If you don’t, it could lead to more shame, embarrassment, and frustration.
  • Ask your child’s doctor. You should consult with your child’s doctor if he or she is still wetting the bed and you are concerned. For a variety of reasons, your doctor may order testing for your child. An effective strategy for dealing with your child’s bedwetting may be suggested by your pediatrician.

The Sleep Cycle and Bedwetting - TheraPee

Preparing for your appointment

Starting with your child’s pediatrician is a good place to begin. You may be referred to a urologist by your primary care physician (pediatric urologist or pediatric nephrologist).

The following information can help you prepare for your doctor’s visit, as well as give you an idea of what to expect.

What you can do

Your pre-appointment checklist should include items such as, ”

  • Anything that may seem unconnected to bed-wetting symptoms, even if it’s substantial in scope. When your child has a wet or dry night, maintain a log of their bathroom visits. When your child uses the restroom, pay attention to how often and whether or not he or she felt the need to relieve himself or herself. Remember to monitor your child’s hydration intake, especially after meals.
  • Personal details, including any recent life changes or substantial concerns.
  • Bed-wetting in the family, including siblings and parents.
  • Your child’s current list of medications, including the names and dosages of any supplements or vitamins that they are now taking.
  • What to ask your child’s doctor to get the most out of your visit.

Asking your doctor the following questions can help you learn more about your health.

  • Why does my toddler wet the bed?
  • When will he or she be able to stop wetting the bed on their own?
  • What are the options for treatment, and which ones would you suggest? Is there a risk of adverse reactions?
  • No, I don’t think there are any alternatives to what you’re advocating.
  • Is there anything I should do to make sure my toddler doesn’t drink too much?
  • Can you provide me with any printed materials, such as brochures? What are some of your favorite websites?

During your appointment, don’t be afraid to ask additional questions.

What to expect from your doctor

You can expect to be asked a lot of questions by your doctor. Having prepared answers on hand will allow you more time to go over any specific issues. It’s possible that your doctor will inquire:

  • If so, is there a history of bed-wetting within the family?
  • Whether or not your child has wet the bed before is a question you should ask yourself.
  • Do you know how frequently your child wets the bed?
  • Is it possible for your child to go weeks or months without wetting the bed?
  • Is your youngster completely dry throughout the daytime?
  • Is your kid getting frequent tummy troubles?
  • Do you notice any discomfort or other indications in your child while he or she is urinating?
  • If so, how is your child coping with these changes in their life?
  • When parents separate or divorce, does their child move back and forth between the houses of each parent and suffer from bedwetting?
  • How do you deal with your child peeing the bed?

Adult Bedwetting

Adult bedwetting, also known as sleep enuresis, is a taboo subject for many adults, yet the truth is that 5,000,000 Americans suffer from the condition. Recognizing that you have an issue with adult bedwetting is not a sign of weakness. Actually, the first step to treatment is accepting that your body is not performing as you’d like it to – and you’ll be glad to hear that real, efficient remedies exist. No one should be deprived of a quiet night’s sleep, and that includes you.

It’s important to note that adult bedwetting is distinct from that of youngsters. Even if it doesn’t alleviate your feelings of shame, you should realize that nocturnal enuresis is a medical condition that has nothing to do with you.

Getting a crash course in human anatomy can help you figure out why you’re still wetting the bed as an adult.

The kidneys create urine, which flows to the bladder via the ureters. Bladder function is to store the pee until it is ready to be released into the urethra, which connects the bladder to external body parts.

The bladder contracts simultaneously with the relaxation of the urine sphincter. Sphincter relaxes, allowing urine to travel through and exit the body. Urination might become troublesome or mistimed if there is a physical or neurological connection.

See the rest of this page for more information, or go straight to the free resources at the bottom of the page to get started learning how to talk to your doctor and come up with a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Causes Of Adult Bedwetting

It is possible for adults to suffer from adult bedwetting due to a variety of circumstances.


When it comes to many medical conditions, the first place to go is in one’s family tree. Adult bedwetting appears to be inherited, according to recent research. People with two bedwetting parents are 77% more likely to become bedwetters, according to a recent study. When a parent wet the bed as a child, his or her child has a 40% probability of becoming a bedwetter, according to research. Adulthood is no different from childhood in terms of these probabilities.

Hormone Imbalance

The antidiuretic hormone (ADH) may also have a role. Its primary purpose is to tell the kidneys to stop producing as much urine. To prevent nocturnal enuresis, the body naturally creates extra ADH. This hormone can cause excessive nighttime urine production in some persons who do not make enough of it.

ADH may be produced by the body in some situations, but the kidneys fail to respond, resulting in the same volume of urine being produced. Nocturnal polyuria is the medical term for profuse urination while sleeping. In adulthood, this anomaly can produce nocturnal enuresis as well as type I diabetic symptoms. If you suspect diabetes or nocturnal enuresis, talking to a doctor can help you get the answers you need.

Small Bladder

Primary nocturnal enuresis is common in patients with smaller bladders. A lesser volume of urine can be held in a bladder with a smaller functional bladder capacity (FBC) than a larger bladder.

Overactive Bladder Muscles

A condition known as nocturnal enuresis can be caused by overactive bladder muscles, known as detrusor muscles. In fact, up to 70% to 80% of adult bedwetting patients have an overactive bladder muscle.

Detrusor instability can be caused by bladder irritants, such as alcohol and coffee. Try keeping a bedwetting journal to discover if there are any similarities between what you eat and drink and your bladder activity.

Urinary Tract Infection

Bedwetting may be caused by a urinary tract infection.


Adult bedwetting has also been linked to medication use. Psychiatric drugs including thioridazine, clozapine, and risperidone, as well as hypnotics, insomnia treatments, and other sleep aids, can all raise your risk. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss any medications you are taking and any potential adverse effects.


People who are under a lot of stress or anxiety are more likely to wet the bed.

Other Health Issues

Secondary nocturnal enuresis, on the other hand, appears to be linked to an underlying medical condition. Men’s prostate issues and women’s pelvic organ prolapse are two possible causes of these symptoms.

Diabetics, urinary tract infections, urinary tract stones, neurological problems and anatomical abnormalities can also cause bedwetting in adults. Urinary tract calculi and bladder cancer are also possible causes of bedwetting in adults.

Adult Bedwetting Treatment Options

Talk To Your Doctor

It is possible that nocturnal enuresis is an indication of a more serious medical disease. It’s possible to achieve nighttime dryness with effective therapy if that’s the case. A healthcare physician should be consulted in addition to any of the suggestions provided below in order to discuss symptoms and receive suitable treatment.

Products For Adult Bedwetting

Wetting the bed can be caused by a variety of factors, but by using a few simple strategies, it is possible to have a dry bed every time. It’s important for adults to use items developed specifically for nocturnal use since they are more absorbent and can store a larger amount of pee than those meant for daytime usage. It’s also important to follow the instructions offered and avoid getting something that’s too big or too little, as this can lead to leaks as you sleep.

  • Vinyl, waterproof, and absorbent mattress covers are all available to protect the bed. Sheet protectors are also available to make cleanup easier.
  • Modified underwear, known as “absorbent briefs,” is designed to soak up liquids, reducing leaks. There are options for both re-usable and one-time-use items.
  • People who suffer from nighttime enuresis can use a variety of treatments to protect their skin against irritation and pain. There are a variety of soaps, lotions, and cloths available for different types of skin.

Adult Bedwetting Treatment Options

  • Checking the Intake of Fluid. The amount of urine generated at night is reduced when fluid intake is restricted in the late afternoon and evening before going to bed.
  • Alarm System for Bedwetting Wet-detection devices that can be attached to the underwear or a pad on which the user sleeps are only some of the many types of alarms available.
  • Waking. This method entails setting an alarm at odd times during the night in order to wake up and go to the bathroom. Randomness prevents the bladder from learning to empty itself at a specific moment.

Surgical Treatment For Adult Bedwetting

Surgery should only be considered as a therapy option for severe detrusor overactivity when all other less invasive alternatives have failed. A healthcare expert should be consulted before undergoing any of the procedures listed below.

  • Stimulation of the Sacral Nerves. Neuromodulation, a process in which neurotransmitters affect various neuron groups, stimulates the sacral nerve roots. The detrusor muscle neurons stop firing as a result of the increased external sphincter tone. When the neurons in the detrusor muscle are less active, the muscle does not contract as frequently, resulting in fewer episodes of urine. People with moderate to severe urge incontinence, who have tried and failed with conventional treatments, or for whom medications are contraindicated, should consider SNS as a therapy option.
  • Cystoplasty of the Clam An intestinal patch is inserted between the two halves of the bladder during this procedure. Increasing bladder capacity and reducing bladder instability are the two main objectives of this therapy.
  • Surgery on the detrusor is known as a myectomy. Autoaugmentation is another name for this procedure, which includes removing some or all of the muscle that surrounds the bladder. In order to improve bladder contractions while decreasing the amount of them, this product is designed.

Pharmaceutical Treatment For Sleep Enuresis

There isn’t a cure-all for nocturnal enuresis, but there are certain drugs that can help. The favorable benefits of medication are enhanced when they are taken in conjunction with behavioral changes.

  • Desmopressin. The kidney generates less urine by mimicking ADH or vasopressin.
  • Imipramine. It boasts a 40% success rate, but there’s a thin line between the right dose and the wrong dose when using this drug.
  • Anxiety-Reducing Drugs. Prescription drugs for treating enuresis with detrusor overactivity have been found to be beneficial in 5% to 40% of instances, according to research. As a result of anticholinergic drugs, patients should expect dry mouth, dizziness, and blurred vision to be the most common adverse effects.
  • Darifenacin. An overactive bladder can be treated with the use of this medicine.
  • Oxybutynin. Relaxes the bladder’s detrusor muscle.
  • Tolterodine. Oxybutynin-like antimuscarinic properties are present in this medicine.
  • Hydrochloride of Trospium. The muscle cells in the bladder wall that have cholinergic receptors are blocked in order to stabilize an unstable bladder. The bladder can then relax and stop overreacting after the receptors have been shut.
  • Solifenacin. This is a new anticholinergic that has less anticholinergic side effects but is a more selective antimuscarinic drug.

Treatments Undergoing Testing

  • Botulinum Toxin A. A flexible cystoscope, a thin medical equipment used to examine the bladder’s contents, is utilized to administer an injectable bulking agent to different parts of the detrusor muscle wall. There have been minimal reports of side effects from this 6- to 9-month outpatient surgery. Clinical trials are ongoing for this “off label” use.
  • Acupuncture using lasers. With this more recent form of acupuncture, a laser is used to precisely target specific parts of the body to address a wide range of health issues. Laser acupuncture showed a success rate comparable to desmopressin therapy after three months, according to one study.

Talk With Other Adults Experiencing Bedwetting

It may surprise you that adult bedwetting is a pretty common occurrence. In fact, this page is the most frequented page on the NAFC website. If you live with this ailment, we encourage you to sign on to the NAFC Message Boards. Many people on our message boards live with adult bedwetting and it’s a secure, anonymous place to learn from others. Find out what has worked for them, hear their tales, and, once you’re ready, share your own.

Bed-Wetting (Nocturnal Enuresis) in Children | Pampers

How To Talk To Your Doctor About Adult Bedwetting

Your doctor will first want to determine what is causing your nocturnal enuresis before prescribing a remedy. For a healthcare provider, the bedwetting diary is one of the most valuable tools.

When you urinate during the day and at night, be sure to keep track of it:

  • In the event of mishaps (time of day or night)
  • The amount of pee that was expelled from the body
  • In terms of fluid consumption, do you drink a lot in the afternoon/evening?
  • What you eat and drink has an impact on your health (sugary, caffeinated, artificially sweetened, carbonated, alcoholic drinks, etc.)
  • Is there trouble starting a void or continual dribbling in the urine stream, or is it strong and constant?
  • Urinary tract infections that reoccur frequently
  • The ratio of nights with rain to nights without rain.
  • Note any other signs of nocturnal enuresis, including night sweats.

In addition to helping you discover treatment options for bedwetting, a visit to your doctor is essential to rule out any underlying medical conditions that could result in nocturnal enuresis.

You can expect the following during your consultation:

  • A checkup with the doctor.
  • An appraisal of the brain’s health.
  • An analysis of urine, as well as a culture of pee. Different tests are used to determine the composition of the urine, urinalysis and culture.

Additional evaluations may include:

  • Uroflowometry. Urea flow rate, urine volume, and time are all recorded using a customized urinal funnel.
    Measurements of post-void leftover urine. An ultrasound is required for this technique, which is non-invasive and measures the volume of pee remaining in the bladder after voiding.

Primary nocturnal enuresis can be treated with a variety of methods at any age.

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