When To Stop Swaddling Baby? Helpful Information Update 03/2025

Is it possible to tell when it is time to stop swaddling your baby? The safety of your child is at stake here, so you need to ask this question.

Swaddling is a terrific way to help your baby transition to life outside of the womb by making them feel secure. Because we recognize the numerous advantages of this age-old practice, we’ve developed swaddles that are both 100 percent breathable and reduce the risk of overheating.

When your child is a bit older, this strategy will no longer be necessary to help them feel peaceful or go to sleep.

Swaddling can be beneficial for infants as young as a few days, but as they grow older, swaddling can have the opposite effect, becoming more harmful than helpful.

Is this stage coming soon? And if the time comes to stop swaddling your baby, what steps should you take to ease him or her into the new routine?

Inquiring minds want to know, and you’re doing just that. As a result, here we go:

How Long Should You Swaddle Your Baby?

How old is too young to stop swaddling your baby? What is the unbreakable rule? In many cases, the answer isn’t as simple as you would think it is.

As soon as a baby shows symptoms of wanting to roll over, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests that parents begin weaning them off swaddling. “Many babies begin working on rolling at around 2 months of age,” the authors write in their introduction.
Swaddle Transition: Steps to Stop Swaddling

However, this isn’t true for all newborns. According to other research, babies often begin rolling over between the ages of three and six months.

Additionally, not all babies appreciate being swaddled and may become restless more quickly than others aside from turning over. As a result, a fussy child and sleep-deprived parents may be the result for some.

So, if your baby no longer enjoys being swaddled, there’s no need to suffer in silence. To cease swaddling your baby before they reach a specific age or start breaking free from the swaddle at night is absolutely OK.

Because every child is different, it’s important to seek for other signs that they’re ready to stop being swaddled besides their age. That’s what we’re going to focus on right now.

When To Stop Swaddling: 6 Signs

1) Consistently Breaking The Swaddle

Is your infant gaining enough strength to get free of their swaddle?

Even though this isn’t a definitive sign that swaddling should be discontinued, the worry here is that every time they punch or kick away the blanket, this leaves loose fabric in the crib.

Suffice it to say, loosely swaddled infants pose a strangulation or suffocation risk in their cribs. And it’s not just swaddles that pose a risk to your infant; loose-fitting bedding, blankets, and clothing also pose a threat.

Unfortunatelly, the CDC records 3,500 sleep-related newborn fatalities each year, many of which are the result of things in the crib, such as loose sheets.

Even at two weeks old, your kid is clearly still too small to cease being swaddled and breaking free from the swaddle. The swaddling technique you use may need to be improved if you want to keep your infant safe in the swaddle.

Then again, if they’re older, this could be an indication that they’ve had enough of being swaddled and want to stop.

2) Having No More Startle Reflex

Startle reflexes are present in all newborns, including yours (commonly known as the Moro reflex).

A quick movement, a loud noise, or any other unexpected stimuli can cause your infant to startle, resulting in an automatic response known as a “shock reflex.”

Your infant may suddenly curl back into a fetal position with their arms and legs stretched out in front of them.

When a baby wakes up, it is common for them to start wailing. It can be tough for your kid to obtain a good night’s sleep because of this response.”

Your baby will feel as safe and secure as they did when they were in the womb when you swaddle them, so they won’t be frightened by loud noises.

The startle reaction often fades away in infants between the ages of four and five months. You may no longer need to swaddle if your baby is no longer showing evidence of this reaction.

Our Newton Baby Organic Swaddle Blankets are made of soft, breathable fibers that help your baby feel at ease when being swaddled.

Organic muslin cotton is used to make these swaddle blankets. Your baby’s delicate skin will love this material because it’s so supple and lightweight!

3) Being Fussier Than Usual

For a variety of reasons, babies can be apprehensive. Either they’re starving or going through a growth spurt, or all of the above.

It’s time to stop swaddling your baby if he or she suddenly starts waking up in the middle of the night after previously sleeping comfortably.

While it’s fine to presume that a crying infant no longer needs to be swaddled, it’s not the best idea. However, it’s critical that you pay attention to your child’s signals.

Aside from the obvious indicators of discomfort, they may be trying to tell you that they’ve had enough of being swaddled and want out.

4) Rolling From Back To Tummy

In the world of parenting, there is no such thing as a “rule book.” For some parents, what works may not work.

Since many parenting “rules” are accessible to your own interpretation and specific circumstances, many parenting “rules” wind up being flexible. This one, however, is an exception.
When to Stop Swaddling | Peanut

There’s one certain sign that your baby has outgrown the need for swaddling: they’re getting more mobile.

When your baby turns onto their stomach while sleeping, swaddling them can be harmful since they might not be able to flip back over on their own with their arms and legs constrained to one position.

It’s too risky to leave swaddled babies to roll over on their stomachs in their cribs, even if the bedding is breathable.

Aside from being a safety risk, swaddling your baby after they’ve started moving about more can hinder their development of motor skills. That’s not what we want!

5) Fighting Being Swaddled

When you first begin swaddling your baby, it’s typical for him to push back against you. In light of their recent arrival, it’s important to keep in mind that your kid is still digesting a lot of information.

A few weeks into swaddling, your baby may be resistant to the idea of being wrapped up like a burrito. This is completely natural and shouldn’t worry you.

When it comes to swaddling your baby, there comes a point when they just don’t want to cooperate. Kicking, hitting, and even crying may be involved in this process.

In the event this is the case, it may be a sign that they want to sleep more freely as they get older.

6) Sleep Training

If you’re planning on starting sleep training with your child, you may want to consider discontinuing the swaddling phase.

Self-soothing strategies are used to teach your infant how to fall and remain asleep on their own.

To aid in sleep, your infant may chew his or her thumb or rub his or her head. With their arms and hands free from a swaddle, they will be able to do that.

There are a number of factors that determine whether or not your child is ready to begin sleep training, including their current feeding pattern and weight. Consult your child’s pediatrician before beginning sleep training.

In the event that your child is showing some or all of the aforementioned indicators, you can now allow them to sleep swaddle-free.

The only thing remaining is how to make this shift as easy as possible. Keep reading for some tips on how to keep your baby’s sleep schedule in check as you adjust to this major life adjustment.

How To Transition Your Baby Out Of The Swaddle

Some parents prefer to stop using the swaddle all at once, rather than gradually transitioning from it. That is absolutely possible. The first night out of the swaddle can be a good one for your baby, too.

To help your baby acclimatize to life outside the wrap, here are some suggestions for easing them out of the swaddle gradually.

1) The One Arm Out Method

The most frequent method of beginning the transfer is to swaddle one arm while holding out the other (and effective).

If your kid is still showing signs of the Moro reflex, this strategy can assist ease the transfer process. Keeping one of their arms in a tucked position will lessen the jerking motions.

When your infant is napping, it may be a good idea to give this strategy a try. As a result, you’ll be able to see how soon they fall asleep without disturbing your own sleep pattern.

2) Both Arms Out Of The Swaddle

After a few nights of your baby sleeping soundly with one arm out of the swaddle, you can begin removing both arms.

Because they’re not used to sleeping without being swaddled, babies may be a little cranky at first. As long as you don’t rush it, your infant will soon get used to the situation.

3) The Legs Out Method

Others like to be freed from the swaddle by having their legs out first, while others want to have their arms out first.

You can switch to one of the other strategies if your child kicks their legs against the mattress while using this strategy.

4) Removing The Swaddle

It’s possible to let your baby sleep without a swaddle after a few days of both arms or legs being out.

Because every baby is different, it may take some time for some to get used to this, while for others there will be no problem at all. Ultimately, it all depends on your child.

Never fear, they’re on their way!

5) Alternating Swaddling And Sleeping Freely

Swaddling your baby and letting them sleep on their own at different times of the day could be another option for you.

Instead of swaddling your baby at night, you can let them sleep undisturbed at naptime and then reintroduce the practice in the morning.

Even though it seems paradoxical, removing the wrap gradually before letting your infant have some sleeping freedom can be highly useful for certain babies.

It could take some trial and error before you find the optimal way for your child. Your baby will eventually outgrow swaddling, so be patient.

How Long Does It Take For Babies To Adjust?

For both you and your infant, it will take some time to adjust to any major changes in your child’s sleep habits.

You may question how long the process of weaning from the swaddle will take, given that every baby is unique.

When it comes to swaddling, most newborns can adapt to sleeping without one within one to two weeks; some can even do it in just a few nights.

If it’s been more than four weeks since your baby was born and he or she is still unable to sleep without being swaddled, visit your pediatrician.

How do I get my baby to sleep without being swaddled?

It’s natural if you’re concerned that your baby won’t sleep as soundly without her swaddling. Although your baby may have a difficult time adapting at first, rest assured that she will ultimately get used to it.

If you’re having trouble getting your baby to sleep, keep in mind that you still have plenty of options. You may help your baby relax and fall asleep by creating an easy-to-follow bedtime routine that includes the following: a bath; feeding; rocking; a lullaby; or a tale.

White noise and lowering the lights can also assist create a calming atmosphere. Finally, don’t underestimate the soothing effects of infant massage in lulling a restless baby to sleep.

The transition from swaddling your baby to using a sleep bag may be made easier by using a hybrid sleep bag-swaddle. Alternatively, you can try a standard sleep sack, which is like a wearable blanket that your child may be able to use far into toddlerhood, depending on the model (though you may need to size up as she gets bigger).

Newborns do well to use swaddling as a method of sleep comfort. The time to stop swaddling your baby is when she is 2 months old and tries to roll or kick free of her blanket. It’s time for a new chapter in the life of a newborn!

Tips For Helping Your Baby Sleep Without The Swaddle

Introducing your baby to sleep without a swaddle is a big change for them. Take a look at the recommendations below to make this procedure easier.

1) Maintain A Consistent Bedtime Routine

Even since the swaddle is no longer used, this does not necessitate any further alterations.

Maintaining the same bedtime ritual as when they were swaddled will provide your child a sense of security and predictability.

Before putting your child to sleep, make sure they’re relaxed yet alert with a warm bath, a nighttime feed, and a song or story.

2) Create A Soothing Atmosphere

Small things like dimming the lights in their room, playing soothing music, or using a white noise machine can help you create a relaxing environment for your child.

In addition to helping them relax, giving your baby a soothing massage can be a wonderful way to spend quality time together.

3) Ensure Your Baby’s Crib Setup Is Safe And Comfortable

Even if your baby is swaddled, he or she will have trouble sleeping if their crib, mattress, and sheet aren’t comfortable.

During this time of transition, it’s a good idea to reevaluate your baby’s sleep needs and ensure that their current sleeping arrangement is both safe and conducive to good sleep.

The crib should be free of loose slats or hardware, and there should be no fissures in the wood.

After that, check to see if your baby’s crib mattress is adequate. In order to prevent dust and mold from becoming caught in the mattress’s fibers, a mattress must be firm, breathable, and easy to clean.

Our crib mattress is designed to keep your little ones safe and comfy while they sleep. There are no hidden evils like glue or latex in this product.
Is the swaddle safe for babies? We asked the experts – TODAY

Even better, our mattress is made to survive into your baby’s toddler years, so you don’t have to worry about it breaking down.

Fit the crib sheet snugly and snugly against the mattress to ensure your baby’s comfort. Swaddles and sheets that are too loose can be a choking threat for your baby, as previously stated.

With our Organic Cotton Sheets, you can rest easy knowing that your baby is safe while they sleep. The organic cotton muslin is gentle on your baby’s skin and breathable, so it’s perfect for a swaddle.

In order to ease your baby’s transition out of the swaddle, make sure his or her crib is as safe and comfortable as it possibly can be.

4) Swap The Swaddle For A Sleepsack

To assist your child adjust to a new sleeping arrangement, consider using a sleepsack instead of a swaddle. This method is popular among parents because it helps babies sleep soundly and safely.

As with a sleeping bag, these items are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all have armholes in the torso and enclosed legs.

Using a sleep sack gives your child more mobility and range of motion in their arms. A baby’s ability to roll over onto their backs if they fall over on their stomachs at night is critical to their health.

When it comes to protecting and comforting your baby while they sleep, sleepsacks are a safe alternative to swaddling older infants.

5) Make Sure The Temperature Is Just Right

Your child’s sleep can be disrupted if the temperature is too hot or chilly. Between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit is the best temperature for your infant to sleep in.

However, the clothing your kid wears to bed can have an impact on how well they sleep.

It’s a sign that your child is overheating as they sleep when they wake up with wet hair, flushed cheeks, a sweaty back, or even a heat rash. Another symptom that they’re overheating is their rapid breathing.

Make sure the fabric is light and soft so that your baby feels comfortable without overheating, whether they’re sleeping in a sleep sack or starting to wear pajamas.

6) Try Using A Pacifier

When your baby is transitioning from a swaddle to a crib, a pacifier can be a safe and healthy approach to help him or her go asleep.

It’s crucial that you select the proper size of baby pacifier for your child’s age. Make sure the pacifier doesn’t have any loose bits that could pose a harm to your child by inspecting it often.

Don’t keep the pacifier linked to any straps or fasteners when you put your child to sleep with it, as this might lead to sleep-related injuries such as suffocation or choking.

A pacifier isn’t necessary if your infant doesn’t like it. As an alternative, consider implementing some of the other suggestions we’ve provided.

7) Don’t Give Up

It can be distressing to hear your child scream more than you’re used to or to have them wake up frequently at night as they adjust to this new situation.

When transitioning out of the swaddle, it’s crucial to stay going and be consistent with your efforts. As soon as your baby is able to roll over, it’s imperative that you continue to swaddle him or her to ensure their protection.

When your child is crying, resist the temptation to rush to their aid. We know it’s difficult, but this provides your infant the opportunity to self-soothe, which is what this transition is all about.

Here’s To The Next Phase Of Your Baby’s Development!

Those of you who opted to swaddle your child know about the many advantages of this time-honored practice.

It’s time to ditch the swaddle if you notice your baby is growing more mobile, their startle reflex has lessened, or they are fighting the swaddle during naps or bedtime.

No matter what happens, Newton Baby Crib Mattresses are the perfect place for your baby to rest peacefully at night. Use these suggestions to assist ease your baby’s transition from swaddling to unwrapping.

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