Why Women Need More Sleep Than Men? A Perfect Guide For You! Update 03/2025

An adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night on average to feel rested. To be accurate, 11 minutes, according to study, women typically sleep 11 minutes longer than males.

Why Do Women Need More Sleep Than Men?

Women may require more sleep than males for a variety of reasons. Insomnia affects women 40% more frequently than it does males. Additionally, women are almost twice as likely as males to experience anxiety or depression, two illnesses that are closely related to sleeplessness. People who struggle with insomnia frequently have trouble falling or staying asleep, and they experience daytime tiredness.

Do women need more sleep than men? | Jean Hailes

Another reason why women require more sleep than men is hormones. Our hormones control our sleep-wake cycles. These hormones influence a variety of things, including how we feel whether we are hungry, alert, or fatigued. Every month and over the course of their lives, hormonal changes affect women’s circadian rhythms and increase their demand for sleep. For instance:

1. On Average They Have Busier Schedules

You should consider the fact that the majority of women care for the family while working a day job, either part-time or full-time. Additionally, it is understandable why women require more sleep because they prepare dinner after work. It can be extremely draining to multitask continuously. In most societies, it is clear that society has expectations for women. Both their detrimental and obvious effects are present.

2. Women Go Through More Hormonal Changes

Women are significantly impacted by puberty and the normal monthly variations in hormone levels. Menopause and pregnancy are also included in this. Another reason why female brains require more sleep is because of physical discomfort and suffering. In addition, women are more vulnerable to illnesses like anxiety and depression.

3. Many of Them Don’t Get Enough Rest

Many women don’t receive the rest they require as a result of their more demanding schedules. If you have young children, you are aware of the difficulties of parenting them and how important it is to keep up with their sleeping schedules. You hurriedly tidy the house or start cooking when they finally fell asleep. Men ought to think about pitching in more around the house. especially given that the study suggests that getting too little sleep makes people more irritable.

4. Lack of Sleep Has Links To Weight Gain

Men, especially those who aren’t getting enough sleep, don’t struggle to lose weight as much as women do. There is a connection between insomnia and being overweight since obese women are more likely to experience sleep deprivation. In addition, lack of sleep causes a higher release of the stress hormone cortisol. Greater appetite and obesity are caused by higher cortisol levels.

5. They Are Wired Differently

Women are wired differently than males are. Both analytical and intuitive thinking are favored by the links in them. Since they frequently multitask, when it’s time for bed, their higher momentum doesn’t diminish as rapidly. Thus, it could be more difficult for them to sleep.

Do Women Actually Sleep More Than Men?

Women tend to sleep slightly longer than men do on average — by just over 11 minutes — despite the fact that evidence indicates that women need more sleep than men do.

The bad news is that women may get less restful sleep than males, maybe as a result of how they spend their days differently. Researchers have shown that men and women spend different amounts of time on paid and unpaid employment, social and professional activities, and family caregiving. For instance, women are more prone than males to get up in the middle of the night to take care of people in the house, which interferes with their sleep.

Independent of marital status, men and women with children get a little bit more sleep than their counterparts without children. But since women are more inclined to take naps during the day, their longer average sleep time may be deceiving because some of it occurs during the day. Naps extend a person’s total amount of sleep, but they also lessen the quality of their evening sleep.

Young Sleeping Woman Seeing Sweet Dreams Stock Photo - Image of girl, sleep: 12192948

It is better to sleep through the entire night without interruptions. You cycle through the various stages of sleep numerous times per night during a complete night’s sleep, from light sleep to deep sleep to REM sleep and back again. As you progress through the stages of sleep, you spend less time in deep sleep, when your body heals physiologically, and more time in REM sleep, a period for dreaming and cognitive processing. You restart the cycle when that sleep is disturbed, which prevents you from getting the necessary REM sleep.

Women fall asleep more quickly than men do, according to numerous studies. They might need more sleep as a result of this, or they might just be generally more exhausted. Studies reveal that women spend longer in deep sleep than men. However, during menopause, when women have trouble falling asleep and spend less time in deep sleep than males, this phenomenon alters.

Sleep and women’s health

Anyone who has sleep deprivation or a lack of sleep may experience harmful health effects. However, a 2008 study by Duke University discovered that women who reported poor sleep experienced more psychological discomfort than men, which increased their chance of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, and mood disorders.

Dr. Raju explains that while hormones are probably to blame for women’s poor sleep habits, it is unclear why these issues affect women’s health more severely than they do men’s.

Women and sleep issues

Despite the fact that most sleep disorders affect males more frequently than women, according to Dr. Raju, other disorders affect women more frequently depending on what stage of life they are in.

Insomnia, or having trouble sleeping or staying asleep, is more common in women. Additionally, women are more prone to experience the symptoms of restless legs syndrome if they are pregnant, nursing, or even throughout their menstrual cycle.

Due to hormonal and physiological changes, older women are even more likely to experience sleep problems.

A extremely high risk of sleep apnea in women over 50 years old. Additionally, sleep apnea affects one in four women over 65.

According to Dr. Raju, a woman’s body produces significantly less estrogen and progesterone after menopause. And that is the main factor contributing to the rise in prevalence of some diseases.

Do You Need More Sleep?

Reality: Too many people, regardless of age, do not get enough sleep, regardless of which gender needs more sleep. Only 64.5 percent of men and 65.2 percent of women actually get at least 7 hours of sleep each night on a regular basis, according to the CDC. The statistics, particularly for young women in high school, are substantially worse. Only 66.4 percent of their male colleagues often miss out on quality sleep, compared to 71.3 percent of female students.

If you wake up feeling rested and rejuvenated, that is the best indicator that you got enough sleep. Try getting regular exercise, establishing regular bed and wake times, limiting your coffee and alcohol intake, and making improvements to your sleeping environment if you’re having difficulties falling asleep. Create a nighttime ritual that will help you relax before bed. Consult your doctor if your insomnia persists to find out what other measures you can take to enhance your sleep.

Tips for a good night’s sleep

According to Dr. Raju, healthy behaviors are the foundation of sound sleep. And because of shifting hormones, ladies should take into account the following advice for a restful night’s sleep:

  • Establish a consistent resting and waking schedule. Every day, go to bed and get up at the same hour. Before going to bed, establish a soothing routine.
  • Women frequently worry about their daily stresses, which can make it difficult to sleep. To relax before bed, try doing some mental exercises or practicing deep breathing.
  • Spend the afternoon without stimulants.
    After 3 p.m., stay away from caffeine-containing products and tobacco. They might keep you up at night.
  • If you are experiencing difficulties sleeping, speak with a doctor. “I advise my patients to seek help if they have any worries about their sleep, both in terms of quality and quantity,” adds Dr. Raju. “Women always put other people first. But poor sleep habits can have catastrophic health effects.

Visit Piedmont Sleep Services to find out more about treating sleep issues.

Five Tips for Women Who Have Trouble Sleeping

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The pressures of society and modern living are detrimental to women’s health. They are dealing with too much daily tension all around the planet. Their sleep is negatively impacted the most by this. Poorer quality of life and a lack of focus are caused by disturbed sleep cycles. For anyone, getting consistent sleep is important. Women are more likely to relate to this because of the numerous tasks they complete each day. Their health will be better if they get better sleep. Additionally, it will make you happier every day.

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